There are some really good alternative Scout scholarships for college which all boy and girl Scouts should consider when looking for college student financial aid. These are the ones that are not directly from the NESA or Girl Scouts USA or of America. They’re good Scout scholarship candidates because acomplished scouts have a better then average chance of winning one simply because of their past accumulated awards.
For example, there are numerous clubs which offer there very own club scholarships – such as the 4-H and the Beta clubs. It’s easy to join these clubs and normally it involves a simple sign up process. Once a member you can apply to thier scholarship program.
Another potential alternative Scouting scholarship is the guaranteed scholarships. Most colleges have them and they couldn’t be simpler to win. Most of the time if your past qualifications match the guaranteed scholarship criteria then its just a matter of filling out the paper work and its guaranteed college student aid sent directly to your college of choice. Guaranteed scholarship criteria means that if your GPA, SAT,and ACT’s are at or above what the college is looking for then you are guaranteed the monies if you fill out the college paperwork for it. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. This is exactly how guaranteed scholarships work.
Probably the best alternative Scouting scholarships a boy or girl Scout can apply to are the military based scholarships. These aren’t the ones that require you to serve active duty but the ones such as the ROTC as one example. An accomplished Scout has all what they are looking for to win this award. It might be as easy as applying for it and you may easily get it.
Other good alternative Scouting scholarships would be community based scholarships, leadership scholarships and religious scholarships.
A good strategy that all students should employ when looking for monies to help pay their tuition is by converting unclaimed monies into your easy scholarship money. This goes overlooked by most students but can be a jackpot if properly executed by the savvy minded college bound. This technique can bring in big money to the unknowing. The article with the above link given best explains how it’s done.