Eagle Scout Scholarships
The National Eagle Scout Association awards more than 150 Eagle Scout scholarshipseach year. The size of these scholarships for eagle scouts ranges from $1,000 to $50,000. NESA scholarships cover tuition, room,board and books. Eagle scout scholarships may be used at 4-year accredited universities and colleges that offer bachelor degree programs. Eagle scholarships may not be used at 2-year colleges, trade schools or military academies. The deadline to apply for these scout scholarships is January 31, 2012.
The BSA Hall/McElwain Merit Scholarship is based on character, community service and Scouting participation. The amount of the scholarships varies between $1,000 and $2,500 based on annual funding. Eligible candidates include high school seniors and undergraduate college students up through their junior year.
The Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Academic Scholarships are funded through the Mabel and Lawrence S. Cooke Scholarship Endowment, the National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship Fund and the United Health Foundation. Applicants must submit ACT or SAT scores to be considered. A varying number of $3,000 academic scholarships are awarded annually by NESA. These eagle scout scholarships include the Mabel and Lawrence S. Cooke Scholarships. There are four $5,000 annual scholarships (total $20,000) awarded and one $48,000 scholarship ($12,000 per year for four years) awarded.
The NESA STEM scholarship is a new type of scout scholarships which will be awarded to applicants with plans to major in science, technology, engineering or math.
In order to be considered for NESA scholarships, all applicants must be an Eagle Scout who is graduating high school or entering college for the year in which they apply.
In addition to NESA scholarships, there are also many other eagle scouting scholarships awarded each year. This includes religious, civic/military and leaderships scholarships for scouts.
The Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarships is awarded by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. Five scholarships are awarded each year to high school seniors who are active in Varsity Scouting, Venturing or Boy Scouting. Applicants must be Catholic and must have earned the Eagle Scout Award or Silver Award and the Pope Pius XII or Ad Altare Dei religious emblem. Each scholarship is worth $2,000.
The National Jewish Committee on Scouting offers several Boy Scout Eagle Scholarships. The Chester M. Vernon Memorial Eagle Scout offers an award of $1,000 each year for four years. The Rick Arkans Eagle Scout Scholarship is awarded by the National Jewish Committee on Scouting. The winning recipient will receive one $1,000 scholarship. The Frank L. Weil Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship offers a one-time $1,000 scholarship. In addition, two runners-up will receive $500 one-time scholarships for eagle scouts.
Applicants must be active in Venturing, Boy Scouting or Varsity Scouting and must have earned the Etz Chaim or Ner Tamid award along with the Eagle Scout Award. They must also be active in Synagogue and demonstrate financial need. The deadline to apply is February 28th.
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting offers three one-time Eastern Orthodox Scouting Scholarships. These scholarships are merit-based. Values range between $500 and $1,000. The deadline to apply is May 1st. Applicants must be active in an Eastern Orthodox church, must be active in Girl Scouting or Boy Scouting and must have earned the Alpha Omega religious emblem. One scholarship is reserved for an applicant of Russian descent.
There are also several civic/military scouting scholarships offered. One of these is awarded by The American Legion and is worth $10,000. There are also three 2nd place scholarships with a value of $2,500 awarded annually. In addition, awards may also be granted on the state or department level. To be eligible applicants must have a religious emblem awarded by their religious institution and must also have received the Eagle Scout Award. Applicants must be the son or grandson of a member of the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary. The deadline to apply is March 1st.
The Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship is awarded by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. There are three national level eagle scholarships awarded. The first-place scholarship has a value of $8,000. The first-runner up scholarship has a value of $4,000. The second runner-up scholarship has a value of $2,000. Scholarships may also be awarded on the local and state levels. Applicants are not required to be members of the Sons of the American Revolution.
There are also Eagle Scout scholarships which college-bound students can receive when they have earned the Eagle Scout award and attend a specific college or university. One of those scholarships is offered by Columbia College in Columbia, Missouri. This $500 scholarship is offered to any Explorer post member or Eagle Scout who is admitted to the college. The college offers an array of career programs as well as business administration courses.
Doane College in Nebraska offers the Zenon C.R. Hansen Leadership Scholarship. This scholarship has a value of $7,000 to one full-time student who is active in the Boy Scouts, who has earned the Eagle Scout award and who has plans to remain active in Scouting. The eagle scout scholarship can be renewed annually. The deadline to apply is March 10th.
Dowling College in on Long Island, New York offers the Nathaniel M. Griffen Memorial Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $2,000 and is a four-year scholarship. Two freshmen students who have been active in Scouting will receive this scholarship each year.
Drury College, located in Springfield, Missouri, offers a $1,000 eagle scholarship for up to as many as five Eagle Scouts who are admitted to the college. Florida Tech University in Melbourne, Florida also offers a guaranteed minimum scholarship worth $10,000 to Eagle Scouts.
Grand Canyon College, which is located in Phoenix, Arizona, offers the Presidential Leadership Eagle Award. This award has a value of $300 and is awarded annually to Boy Scouts who have earned the Eagle Scout rank. This eagle scholarship is renewable on a yearly basis. Johnson and Wales University, located in Providence, Rhode Island, offers a $1,200 awarded to freshmen students have achieved the Eagle Scout rank. Boy Scouts who have achieved the Eagle Scout rank should also consider checking with other colleges they are interested in attending to find out whether they offer Eagle Scout college scholarships.
Hi, I am a freshman at Miami University and I attend the Hamilton Campus. My major is Nursing and I am hoping to get a BSN. I just got my Eagle Scout in June (I turned 18 in May this year) and I was wondering what scholarships might be available to me at this time. Please let me know. Thanks.
– Colin Baker
you must take the time to apply to them to see if you qualify. Also go into your FinAids office and inquire into scholarships for eagle scouts or other scholarships which you may qualify for because of you being an accomplished eagle scout. Our website will tell you how and where to go about applying for them. Please reread to learn more. Read more at guaranteed scholarships and community scholarships.